Wednesday, March 14, 2007

OMG Squee!

I had every intention of coming home from the library and collapsing straight into bed. (Long Day)

But here is the other side of getting to know your local library branch and learning to use the library system.

I went to return some books a few minutes ago. And at check-out I noticed the library had a trolley of manga with the word 'Discarded' and the date over them on a piece of paper. So I asked what was happening with them and when would the librarians know when they might go up for sale. One of the librarians told me to just go ahead and take what I wanted. On him! He knows what a total bibliophile I am.

I have Negima!

I have Fruit Baskets! Which everyone keeps telling me to try.

I have Psy Comm! And Legal Drug!

I have Full Metal Alchemist!

And something called PHS: Phantasy Degree which looked interesting.

I'm not much up on some of the more action ones like Naratu and Blade of Heaven etc. And I suppose I could have picked up Qwan. But it didn't impress me enough to want to own it. I do know that I've like what I've seen of FMA on Adult Swim. It's just hard to follow sometimes cause I've never seen it from the beginning.

Heaven knows if they'd had BLEACH I'd have broken my back trying to get them all. As it is, I had to beg for a plastic bag.

Still. Manga! Free Manga!

A chance to explore some new series on my own time w/o worrying about taking it back or catching or etc etc...

I have DeathNote!

**shudders like too happy sentient jello**

x-posted to personal journal

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